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Future Cities

In this ongoing project that I initiated at the University of Waterloo, we study how green infrastructure in twelve municipalities in Southern Ontario, Canada, can help amberlite the summertime high temperatures and mitigate health impacts. 


Dr. Michael Drescher, University of Waterloo

Dr. Masoud Mahdianpari, Memorial University


Calibrating InVEST models for the Southeast Asian cities

As an Affiliate of the Resilient and Inclusive Cities Lab at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), we investigate applicability of the InVEST Urban Stormwater Retention and Urban Cooling models to estimate the extent to which urban green spaces can mitigate stormwater run-off and elevated temperatures in a tropical context and subsequently quantify the economic benefits from these important ecosystem services (benefits from nature). 


Dr. Perrine Hamel, NTU

Mr. Chai Min Wei, NTU

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Natural Capital Singapore

Natural Capital Singapore was an inter-disciplinary, highly collaborative research project, involving researchers of diverse backgrounds from four institutions of ETH Zurich, National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University and National Parks Board of Singapore. Natural Capital Singapore's aim was to quantify the ecosystem services that nature (across terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems) in Singapore provides, followed by valuation—economic and societal—of such services and their incorporation in to future planning and design of Singapore. As a coordinator of the Terrestrial work-package, we studied the contributions of nature to mitigate high temperatures, background air pollution, mitigate flood, among others. 



Dr. Puay Yok Tan, NUS

Dr. Dan Richards, ETH Zurich & Manaaki Whenua Landscape Research

Dr. Jingyuan Zhang, NUS and Herbin Institute of Technology


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